On Sat, Feb 23, 2002 at 09:38:37PM -0800, Bill Moseley wrote:

> Evolution:
  No comment other than lots of eye candy and resource demands.
  Several like it.  It and its brethren nautilus are just to
  resource intensive for my old hardware.
> Mahogany:
  No idea.

> Aethera:

  No idea.
> Balsa:

  Possibly dead?

> Sylpheed: (which I just read about on this list).

  Works pretty well.  Is fairly lightweight.  I noticed it leaks a
  significant amount of memory over time (days).  No idea about
  IMAP support (think it's supported, don't know how well).

Several people like kmail, I haven't looked at it in year(s). I've gone
back to mutt and VIM after playing with GUI's for a few months...

> And not related to email, anyone have a replacement suggestion (other than
> Emacs ;) for my old basic friend on the windows side of Program File Editor
> (pfe)?

Too many possibilities.  I'm a VIM fan, so that's about all I can say...

> I'd also like to find a nice client like SecureCRT for linux.  Something a
> little more feature rich than xterm.

Which features are missing?

Eric G. Miller <egm2@jps.net>

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