On Sun, 2002-02-24 at 05:55, Timothy R. Butler wrote:
> > I was using RedHat 7.2 for a while and I actually liked the KDE setup,
> > although a bit heavy weight.  But I also like how light-weight of a setup I
> > now have with Debian.  (I suppose I'll need a desktop environment at some
> > point.)

xfce is a very nice lightweight desktop environment.  It uses a little
more horsepower than twm but not much as the code is based on twm.  I
only started using it yesterday but its nice and clean.  Intergrates
nicely with both kde and gnome though its a lot closer to gnome.
> > Evolution:
>   Nice, although I hear it has a number of annoying bugs. Also it doesn't 
> seem to handle GPG/PGP very well. If you use KDE, prepare for the fact it 
> won't integrate at all.
Evolution is very nice.  It handles GPG perfectly but not PGP though
that could be becauses I haven't set the mime handler correctly.
>   Let me recommend KMail. It's light weight, has a nice selection of features 
> (including IMAP), a very nice contact manager, good speed on even very large 
> folders (I'm on the SuSE list, and it only takes a matter of maybe 10 sec. on 
> my old 450 MHz desktop for a 50,000 message folder to load). Small folders 
> are very responsive.
>   I moved from Outlook to KMail and I've been very pleased with it - it has a 
> great interface. Oh, and the filters are very good too!
Kmail is very nice.  It handles IMAP well though it doesn't have the
useful shortcut panel that Evolution does.  this matters if you have
more than one account.
> > And not related to email, anyone have a replacement suggestion (other than
> > Emacs ;) for my old basic friend on the windows side of Program File Editor
> > (pfe)?
>   If you are looking for a text-based interface, I'd recommend nano (a "pico" 
> clone). For a GUI, Kate provides a very nice MDI interface, that seems like a 
> light IDE. I really like both of these editors a lot.
> > I'd also like to find a nice client like SecureCRT for linux.  Something a

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