hi ya 

dumb question/comment...

since ext3 is just ext2 w/ journalling...
        - can you just unplay the journal ??? :-)

otherwise to undelete ext2 files...
and if you did undelete it successfullye...
 i donno what happens to your journaled fs

        ( look for restore deleted files )

aliasing rm is a sorta whacky way to solve some
of the accidental delete problems.. 

have fun linuxing

On Fri, 1 Mar 2002, Sebastiaan wrote:

> High,
> On Thu, 28 Feb 2002, Cheryl Homiak wrote:
> > I just deleted something I didn't want to delete; won't hurt my system,
> > just destroyed some important records I was keeping.
> > Is there any way to undelete in ext3fs?
> Ouch, no idea.
> > And if there is a way, but you had to have it pre-set up before the
> > catastrophe occurred, I'd still like to know about it so I will have a
> > safeguard in the future.
> You can setup some kind of Trashcan yourself. Make a directory on your
> system somewhere and make an alias for rm:
> alias rm = 'mv ? /tmp/Trashcan'

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