On Thu, Feb 28, 2002 at 11:42:36PM -0600, Cheryl Homiak wrote:

> I just deleted something I didn't want to delete; won't hurt my system,
> just destroyed some important records I was keeping.
*Immediately* unmount the partition holding this data!  With
"*immediately*" i mean *IMMEDIATELY!*, or better put, RIGHT *NOW*!

An now let's just calm down to be able to think for a minute.

> Is there any way to undelete in ext3fs?
Since this is compatible with ext2, ext2 undeletion should be
possible.  Now you have the possibility to find out yourself and tell
us whether this worked or not.

There is a comfortable way for undeletion using the GNU Midnight
Commander, "/usr/bin/mc". If you have it installed, then start it up,
press "F9" and choose "Command | Undelete files (ext2fs only)".  

Enter the device file name without the leading "/dev/" of the
(hopefully unmounted!)  partition containing the deleted files and
wait a few minutes until the panel contains a listing of deleted
files. Depending on size of the partition in question, this can take
up a considerable amount of time. So please be patient even if this
takes half an hour or even far more.

The files in the resulting list don't carry names anymore and the
shown names are probably mere inode numbers(?) or similar.  Check
which file(s) might contain the data in question and copy this file
into a directory located on *another* partition.

And if you've been able to save your data: Rejoice!

> And if there is a way, but you had to have it pre-set up before the
> catastrophe occurred, I'd still like to know about it so I will have a
> safeguard in the future.
The only true safeguard is a regular backup.  Other good possibilities
include a regular backup or possibly even a regular backup.  Some
people even go so far to claim that a regular backup is the only
worthwhile protection system because it transcends the limits of you
hard disk and computer live span. Among the multitude of choices just
presented i'd always favour a regular backup. ;-)

I wouldn't bother about a trash can facility because if your hard disk
breaks your trash can will be broken too.  Backups don't get broken
when your hard disk fails *and* when made on secure media like MO
disks (that's what i use and trust).  If the data in question is
*really* important i'd take responsibility to store various
generations of backup media in another room, floor, building or even
city.  Linus himself and most Free Software developers even chose to
spread their data over various continents... ;-)

                                    Good luck, P. *8^)
If not specific to HP please always reply to 
"Paul Seelig <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>"

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