Ian Balchin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

OK, let me just catch up here!!   You are running 

a. Leafnode?
b. slrn   on

debian stable? 
on a dial-up machine?

On the assumption that all these are answered yes (the debian verson will
not make much difference) ................


The _point_ of leafnode is that it acts as a nice little news server on
your machine.  Once you have used it to collect the list of newsgroups it
will then only rake in articles for groups to which you hav subscribed.
You can then read OFFLINE, post articles, answer any articles you like,
then when you dial up again the post will go out and new stuff will come
in.    If you have the LDP HowTo's on you machine there is a nice HowTo
on setting up a leafsite (ie using leafnode).   So, to go back a bit,
clear out what you have in /var/lib/slrn/newsgroups.dsc - get rid of that
file.   make sure that you have set the first two parameters in
/etc/news/leafnode/config correctly. Then go on line and, as root, do 

#fetchnews -vvvv 

That will download the list of newsgroups on the newserver and put it in
the right place ie


might take 10 or 15 minutes depending on your set-up.


Now slrn!    Ditch any homebrewed .jnewsrc you have.  Make sure that you
have set 


as I mentioned before and log out and in again to make that take effect.

Then in a terminal do 

$ slrn  -f /home/glyn/.jnewsrc --create

That will create your .jnewsrc and you should get a list of groups - you
may well get the entire list of newgroups !!  Kill of slrn (q y) and come
back again - just "slrn" will do it this time.

Now L should work - if you want all the groups listed which include the
word  "linux" do  

L    and then when prompted put in    *linux*

?   (or is it h?) will fire up the help screen.  

When you have subscribed to a few groups go on lin again.  Leafnode will
download the articles for the groups in which you are interested - this
may take a while - then fire up slrn and you should be in business.

The key to all this getting leafnode set up right.  If you set slrn
going in the way I've described, actually reading the news should be
straighforward ;-)  I didn't have slrn on my machine, so have just
downloaded it and set it up as I described - ten minutes from start to

If you need more help it might be an idea to do it off list ?

Good luck


*            Note that I use Debian version testing/unstable               *
* Linux glynthebearded 2.4.17 #1 Mon Jan 14 23:14:00 GMT 2002 i686 unknown *


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