On Tue, Mar 25, 2003 at 09:01:55PM -0500, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> request_module[ide-disk]: Root fs not mounted
> hdb: driver not present
> VFS: Cannot open root device "hdb3" or 03:43
> Please append a correct "root=" boot option
> Kernel panic: VFS: Unable to mount root fs on 03:43 (is this...
That's a device number in hex, identifying hdb3. Documentation/devices.txt
in the kernel source tree tells you everything. That file is as precious
as ESR's guide to asking smart questions.

> These two next pieces of info. may be relevant as well:
> * I remember the last lines from the std. output of the last make
> bzImage before the panic in question said something about the image
> being created at I think 3,67 -- or some 3,XX that WASN'T the
> 43 referenced above.

It was. 0x43 (hex) == 67 (decimal)

> * when I booted into the official Deb. (again, on /dev/hdb3) with a 
> "rescue root=/dev/hdb3"  and ran fdisk to check the partitioning, fdisk says 
> that /dev/hdb3 overlaps /dev/hdb1 (don't ask where /dev/hdb2 went, I haven't 
> the foggiest).

Sounds hosed, casters-up mode.

Good luck,

|          What your soldier wants -- really, really wants --          |
|                    is no-one shooting back at him.                   |
|                 (Terry Pratchett, alt.fan.pratchett)                 |

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