Rob Weir wrote:
> Not to interdict in this rather pointless discussion, but package names
> basically serve as the 'primary key' within the Debian archive.  If you
> start uploading packages with the exact same name, but have some other
> header that differs, you need to modify most everything that touches
> Debian packages, from the archive system to the build tools to dpkg, apt
> and every Frontenac ever created.
> Oh, and then you need to provide some field to let me distinguish which
> one I want to install...;-)

Actually, apt already uses a set of two primary keys for dealing with
packages -- name and version. I'll bet it could adapt pretty easily --
after all, it supports rpm too, which uses just such a two keyed system.

Does anyone know how apt for rpm handles upgrades; does it always get
rpm to remove the old version when upgrading (rpm -U), or can it somehow
work out when the user wants to keep tro version installed and do so
(rpm -i)?

see shy jo

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