on Wed, Apr 17, 2002, Jamin W. Collins ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:

> Karsten M. Sell wrote:

That's "Self".

> >  - CPU -- a continuous kernel-build loop is a pretty good test.  You're
> >    looking for SIG-11 errors.
> I'll give that a try, how long would you suggest it run before
> considering this test to have been passed?

Run through it one or more times.  In some cases there are thermal
effects.  Depending on processor speed, you may want to set a continuous
loop and run the process for an hour or so.

> > Diagnosing is difficult with infrequent, random lockups.  Is there a
> > period during which you'll almost certainly see a problem?
> I can almost always get the system to lock by using Mozilla heavily. 
> Other than that I really don't have a "sure fire" way of locking it.
> > Try removing everything.  Unload all your drivers.  Shut down X11.  Run
> > the system.  See if it crashes, say, within a day.
> Even running X and most of the applications listed in my original post,
> the system frequently lasts for days to weeks at a time.

You might try mounting your drives 'sync' (synchronous mode), and
launching Mozilla under strace, logging stderr.  This may be able to
capture the final system calls of the program.

I'd still suggest you try toggling load of other drivers.  Again, if X11
doesn't seem to matter, it doesn't matter.  Again note the distinction
between "drivers" (aka kernel modules) and "applications".  Generally,
programs can't crash GNU/Linux.


Karsten M. Self <kmself@ix.netcom.com>        http://kmself.home.netcom.com/
 What Part of "Gestalt" don't you understand?
   The Consumer Broadband and Digital Television Promotion Act:
     Because the Republicans had Enron.

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