Paul 'Baloo' Johnson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>> The symptoms of the gpg thing are that the Outlook user gets
>> the e-mail, but instead of treating it as a signed message, it
>> treats it as an empty message with an attachment (or something
>> like that).
> I think you're getting your bugs mixed up.

No, I'm not.

Here is the entry from the mutt FAQ:

> Some user complained that my PGP messages are attachments!
> That user is using obsolete and broken software.  PGP/MIME is
> the only way to use PGP with email that is actually specified
> (RFC 2015) and not some proprietary ad-hoc crap.  Tell that
> other user to get rid of his legacy crap mail software and
> install standards compliant software.  RFC 2015 is from 1996,
> by the way, so no mail software author can say he didn't have
> enough time to implement this.

The "legacy crap mail software" to which the FAQ refers
includes programs such as Outlook Express.

This has been discussed ad-nauseum in comp.mail.mutt.  Here is
one of many threads:

> The bug you describe is caused when it recieves a message that
> starts with "begin " and isn't starting a uuencoded file.


The bug I'm describing is triggered by messages signed w/ PGP
or GPG according to the RFC.  Outlook treats them as

> OE users will attest to this as this particular post will
> trigger that bug.

You're describing a different bug in OE.   There are so many
from which to choose...

Grant Edwards                   grante             Yow!  Is something VIOLENT
                                  at               going to happen to a
                                 GARBAGE CAN?

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