On Sun, 2002-05-19 at 08:59, Osamu Aoki wrote:
> Hi,
> On Sun, May 19, 2002 at 02:33:21PM +0200, Robert Ian Smit wrote:
> > I know Debian is more difficult to install, but I hope I will benefit by 
> > learning a lot. The default install for Redhat 7.3 is quite nice, but 
> > adapting it to my needs is a lot of work. I might as well try Debian and 
> > only install things I really need to avoid bloat.
> Configuring Debian exactly to your taste is not an easy task.  More
> difficulty at start for sure than Redhat.  But "UPGRADING" with latest
> release is very easy.

Initial configuration isn't _that_ bad!

> Or if you are stupid enough like to keep chasing latest testing version,
> you will continuously upgrade. That is fun.  

Hmm.  Let's not be so judgmental.  Sometimes, even the woody
packages trail the unstable packages by quite a bit...

> > I hope I have made clear what I want to do and would like to know about 
> > experiences from other people. Please tell me if I am wrong in choosing 
> > Debian for my needs. I want to and have time to learn, but would like to 
> > have an indication whether my goals are reachable.
> I can guarantee there will be steep learning curve.  If your objective is
> to have M$ Word, Excel, and Outlook to exchange proprietary file
> format files as many non-programmers do, I suggest do not bother Linux

On the contrary!  Mozilla 1.0rc2 & Evolution 1.05 are almost
perfect substitutes for IE & Outlook.  OpenOffice 1.0 is great,
though not perfect, at converting Office files.

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