On Sat, May 25, 2002 at 12:30:12PM -0300, Carlos A P Gomes wrote:
| * dman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [25-05-2002 11:56]:
| > On Fri, May 24, 2002 at 07:46:16PM -0400, Daniel D Jones wrote:
| > | I can receive mail just fine but, since I certainly don't want to
| > | host an open relay, I can't send mail from my laptop.
| > 
| > Solutions are :
| >     o   remote-login to the system and work from there 
| >         (if your link is fast enough then you can use X-over-ssh if
| >         you dislike mutt so much)
| I have the same problem and I'm trying smtp over ssh without success?
| I use woody/exim.
| Is it possible or I'm trying the wrong thing?

It's possible.  What are you trying?

I think there are 2 ways of doing this :
    1)  ssh to the box and run a mua there.  This is no different from
        sitting at the machine's console.  (this is what I do since I
        use a curses MUA in the first place)

    2)  use an ssh to tunnel SMTP traffic and thus the MTA sees a TCP
        connection from the loopback interface.



Windows, hmmm, does it come with a GUI interface that works or just
pretty blue screens?
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