On Mon, May 27, 2002 at 06:56:04PM -0400, Dan Muller wrote:
| dman wrote:

| >...
| >First, run this with your sources.list pointing at potato.  It will
| >ensure that you have all the build tools and any other build
| >dependencies for building (potato's version of) libxml1.
| >
| >    # apt-get build-deps libxml1
| apt-get doesn't appear to understand 'build-deps'. Are you sure this 
| functionality exists in potato? In any case, I already have libxml1 
| installed, and I'm not sure I really need the ability to build it.

Oops, it's "build-dep", not "build-deps".  If you want a newer version
of libxml1 than potato has, you'll have to build it.  The error
message you gave indicated that potato's libxml is one micro version
too old.

| >Then point apt at woody, and run this :
| >    # apt-get update
| >    # apt-get install apt dpkg perl apt-utils  fakeroot  # explaination 
| >    below
| >    # apt-get source libxml1
| The apt-get command wants to upgrade 41 packages, install 19 new ones, 
| and remove 74 -- getting a total of 27.1MB of archives. This is not 
| quite what I expected!? Did I do something wrong? By "point apt at 
| woody", I assumed you meant *just* at woody, not *also* at potato. 

Yeah, that's what I meant, but it shouldn't matter -- potato's apt
will grab the latest version of whatever packages are needed
regardless of the release.

You can still get the libxml1 source package even if you don't get the
new apt and stuff.  If you still have some sort of hold up with
getting the source package, you can always download it using
traditional methods (wget, links, or other web browser) from

| >...
| The new apt sounds excellent, I look forward to (somehow) getting it 
| installed here!

I know that perl isn't exactly small, and the new apt need perl.
Those packages probably want a new libc too and who know what other
dependencies are there ... (well, you do now since apt told you :-)).
I recommend upgrading to woody anyways -- it's basically "stable" now,
and has many improvements and newer software.  With a modem like
yours, the best technique (assuming you don't pay $$ based on usage)
is to run 'apt-get dist-upgrade --download-only' at night until you
have all the packages downloaded, and then proceed with their
installation.  You can run this from cron, and have another cron job
that kills it and hangs up the modem in the morning.  (isn't it nice
when you can automate stuff like that?  and you wouldn't even be on
the phone line during the day!)



There are six things the Lord hates,
    seven that are detestable to him :
        haughty eyes,
        a lying tongue,
        hands that shed innocent blood,
        a heart that devises wicked schemes,
        feet that are quick to rush into evil,
        a false witness who pours out lies
        and a man who stirs up dissension among brothers.

        Proverbs 6:16-19
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