On Tue, May 28, 2002 at 10:17:23PM +0100, Keith O'Connell wrote:
> I am surprised - I was under the impression that XP was hostile to
> Linux and you had to be sneaky to get it to work. So, am I right then;
>       1: install XP to hda1
>       2: install Debian to hdb1-7
>       3: install lilo to hda
>       4: edit lilo.conf as above
>       5: run lilo
>       6: reboot and select as appropriate
> Is the right things in the right order?

Yes, that worked fine for me.  I have installed such a setup on 3
separate drives (though all in the same machine; I've had bad luck with
drives on that poor box).

There was a story recently on newsforge.org about problems with getting
XP and Linux to share a drive, but I've seen none of them.  I think part
of their problem was that they were using Compaq's "system recovery" CD,
which does much more than just install WinXP (e.g. it restores Compaq's
original partition table).  But if you're installing from a standard
Microsoft XP CD, I expect you'll be just fine.


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