>>"synthespian" == synthespian  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

 synthespian>   For one thing, it would be good to know what the users
 synthespian>   think. Sure,

        If you say so. I am not sure I personally have much interest
 in the matter.

 synthespian>   Those who are able, like you seem to claim to be,
 synthespian> sometimes get caught up in these self-righteous
 synthespian> arguments and that attitude. And then, ad hominem
 synthespian> attacks...

        What ad hominem attacks are you referring to? And I am self
 righteous, am I? You really expect to continue a civil discourse after
 calling people self righteous?

 synthespian> But what is the rationale, truly, of synching the
 synthespian> releases of the 11 architectures? There has _got_ to be

        We release Debian at one time, so one does not need to
 maintain different versions of source packages as stable for various
 architectures, one need not look to see which version was released
 for which architecture, one does not need rewrite all the archive
 code that is used internally for maintaining the master archives, one
 reduces the burden on the security team, having to track several
 different stable versions of each source package .. shall I go on? 

 synthespian> a better argument then the ones you've given ("hey, this
 synthespian> is Debian, don't like it, screw you").

        This is libel, or at least, slander. Quote me chapter and
 verse, or withdraw the lie. I never said anything about synchronizing
 different arches, which is a no brainer. I did make statements about
 releasing architectures at all, but that is a different kettle of fish.

 synthespian> When you consider the current sistuation in the
 synthespian> GNU/Linux world (United Linux, for instance), it's
 synthespian> immediately clear that Debian is the only true distro
 synthespian> out there. In that context, it is important to get
 synthespian> releases for i386 and PPC out sooner than later.
 synthespian>   Don't you think?

        Nope. What the non free world does, or does not do, does not
 affect release decisions for Debian. We release when we are ready. We
 are not yet ready. Period.

 "The trouble with doing something right the first time is that nobody
 appreciates how difficult it was." Walt West
Manoj Srivastava   <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  <http://www.debian.org/%7Esrivasta/>
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