>>"Ivo" == Ivo Wever <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

 Ivo> Manoj wrote:
 >> What the non free world does, or does not do, does not
 >> affect release decisions for Debian. We release when we are ready. We
 >> are not yet ready. Period.

 Ivo> I think what some people fear is that this implementation of the
 Ivo> Debian philosophy might prove self-destructive. A certain amount
 Ivo> of developing is required to keep Debian competative. If Debian

        Remember, people like me are doing this for ourselves -- we
 need this nice Linux box with the best distribution possible on our
 machines. That is what got me in this in the first place. 

 Ivo> develops too slowly, developers may leave, slowing down the
 Ivo> development, entering a vicious circle. I seem to read lots of
 Ivo> reports about people unhappy with current affairs and leaving,
 Ivo> though that might be selective observation. What happens when
 Ivo> the amount of developers falls below the critical level?

        When I joined Debian, we had 47 developers (we had far fewer
 packages, though). We now have around a thousand, and climbing. In
 the last 6 months or so, one person left noisily, about a dozen or so
 other people left for various reasons, and several dozen joined. We
 see a growing number of developers and packages, not a decline.

        The frustrations that affect end users may not be valid for
 developers, or at least not to the same degree. While I am frustrated
 by the long interval between releases, I always run unstable, and I
 also have a recourse -- I can try and solve the problem with the
 delays, and work to see that the intervals are shortened. I am not
 likely to leave just because the problem is too hard a nut for me to

 Marriage is the only adventure open to the cowardly. Voltaire
Manoj Srivastava   <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  <http://www.debian.org/%7Esrivasta/>
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