On 2002.06.05 13:47 Manoj Srivastava wrote:
>>"Ian" == Ian D Stewart <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

 Ian> Speaking only for myself, it was the condescending tone adopted
 Ian> by one of the developers (don't remember the fellow's name; he
 Ian> was the one ranting about about his $250,00/hr fee) more than
 Ian> the actual content that I found offensive.  While stating that
 Ian> you don't give a rip about the users may be intelectually
 Ian> honest, one should not be surprised when such statements
 Ian> endanger userbase loyalty.

        That would be me. To bring in the context that you have
 this is exactly what I said:

 Manoj> Telling me how to spend my time comes with the obligation of
 Manoj> helping me pay my mortgage. My posted rates are $250 an hour.

No, this is what was said:

What you are missing is even a modicum of understanding of the
motivation for the people who put in the effort and do the work for
Debian -- I certainly do not do this (working 20 hours a week, over
and above the 50-60 I do for work, and trying to keep the house and
lawn in shape, etc (I also happen to run an active D&D campaign, but
well)) for the unwashed masses. Do you know what motivates the
developers? Developers most certainly do _not_ live to serve.

      As far as I have been aware, the majority of people working
for free software work because it pleases their muse (or scratches
their own particular itch). The user base helps by helping make the
software better; in return for getting to use it. Anyone can
participate -- by helping with bug reports and fizxes, patches, etc;
and even getting a say in how debian works by committing themselves
to Debian; no one tells any other volunteer how to spend their
time. All that is needed is essentially "Show us the code" (or help
us improve it). People are not excluded because we are the holiest of
the holy and outsiders are dirt. There is no core Debian team. And
users certainly are not in control; and popularity has never been a
Debian goal. The ``community participation'' does have limitations. Telling
me how to spend my time comes with the obligation of helping me pay
my mortgage. My posted rates are $250 an hour. Anyone telling me how
to spend my time has to pony up the moolah.

And yes, I do find it condescending. Particularly the reference to 'unwashed masses' and the general attitude of 'I have done this thing because it pleases me. You should be content that I allow you to benefit from my labor.'

        You have a strange definition of condescending.

So it would seem. However, based on previous postings to the list, I am not alone in my unusual definitions.

        Are you, then, opposed to this sentiment? Can we call on you
 and tell you how to spend your time?

I don't recall anyone telling you to do anything. One gentleman raised a complaint regarding the release schedule of Woody. Apparently, you interpreted this as a direct order.

But to answer your question, there are several projects I have an interest in. I have even started writing code for eventual contribution to one of them. You, or anybody else for that matter, are perfectly welcome to provide feedback regarding any of those projects. Indeed most actively encourage user feedback. If the feedback is in reference to an aspect I have in interest in or responsibility for, I will take it into consideration. If I feel it is inappropriate, for what ever reason, I will let you know. And I will not accuse you of telling me what to do.


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