On Tue, Jun 04, 2002 at 02:43:13AM -0700, David Wright wrote:
| I'll ignore the ad hominem. How about a poll at debianplanet?
| ( ) No architecture should move forward untill all can move
|     forward together.
| ( ) i386 and PPC should take priority; other architectures
|     can follow when they're ready.

What!?  PPC takes priority!?  I thought you didn't want to support
obscure architectures!

I just came from a 5-day computer-geek conference at which I only saw
1 Mac (with OSX) and talk of Macs didn't really come up.  Everyone was
talking about Windows on Pentium-class machines, though there were
some groups discussing linux and using linux server-side (mostly RH).
(actually, one guy won a prize because he has an XT machine with
MS-DOS 3.2 actually doing some useful work at his organization)

In fact, the last Mac I used was a Mac Classic and one that looked like
it but had COLOR.  That was in 8th grade, in 1993.  They weren't even

If you want to support PPC, then I think you'll have to concede and
allow people to support HPPA, IA64, s390 and every other arch they



"...the word HACK is used as a verb to indicate a massive amount
of nerd-like effort."  -Harley Hahn, A Student's Guide to Unix
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