I'm looking to migrate away from Microsoft products completely, and one
large step in that direction is to kill off my current primary server.
It's a p II 350 running W2K Advanced Server running IIS for the web
server and also handling DNS, DHCP, and NAT. It's also running as the
primary print server and the local Domain Controller. Once I kill it
off, I'll have no need for a DC of any sort so that's not an issue
(though I understand that I could configure Samba to function as a DC if
the need arises).

However, I cannot take the server out of commission all at once. Keeping
NAT, DNS, and DHCP up and running is critical, and keeping a web server
up would be a good thing. I currently have an old P133 running Woody
functioning as my mail server. I'd like to migrate these services onto
the 133 and take them off the W2K box one at a time until the W2K box is
left doing nothing at which point I can wipe it and put Woody on.

I have no doubt that the 133 can handle DHCP and DNS and NAT (if I can
get the two NICs in there to cooperate so that I can set up
ipmasquerading). However, can it effectively run Apache? I'd only be
dealing with about 100 hits per day (most of those internal) but there's
a lot of Perl scripts that get run regularly. Can the machine handle
that acceptably? (i.e. without showing too much slowdown in regular use)

(It won't be running any GUI apps whatsoever, so the only things running
will be the various daemons and an instance of emacs.)


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