On Sun, Jun 16, 2002 at 08:56:59PM -0500, Alex Malinovich wrote:
| I'm looking to migrate away from Microsoft products completely,

Good!  You'll be glad for it.  It will help your budget too :-).  (how
does some new hardware sound, instead of a renewed MS license?)

| and one
| large step in that direction is to kill off my current primary server.
| It's a p II 350 running W2K Advanced Server running IIS for the web
| server and also handling DNS, DHCP, and NAT. It's also running as the
| primary print server and the local Domain Controller. Once I kill it
| off, I'll have no need for a DC of any sort so that's not an issue
| (though I understand that I could configure Samba to function as a DC if
| the need arises).

Yes, samba can be a DC, and I'm trying to get that worked out (with
LDAP as the auth source) here (work) so that we can kill of the NT
| However, I cannot take the server out of commission all at once. Keeping
| NAT, DNS, and DHCP up and running is critical, and keeping a web server
| up would be a good thing. I currently have an old P133 running Woody
| functioning as my mail server. I'd like to migrate these services onto
| the 133 and take them off the W2K box one at a time until the W2K box is
| left doing nothing at which point I can wipe it and put Woody on.
| I have no doubt that the 133 can handle DHCP and DNS and NAT (if I can
| get the two NICs in there to cooperate so that I can set up
| ipmasquerading).

Yes.  As for getting the NICs to cooperate, just specify which is
which like this  (/etc/modutils/local) :

alias eth0 tulip 
options eth0 io=0xdc00 irq=11

alias eth1 tulip
options eth1 io=0xde00 irq=10

By specifying the IO (determined from 'dmesg') I can ensure that I
know which card is which interface and they'll be plugged in to the
correct ethernet segments.

(I specified IRQ because by default they were sharing one, and I had a
spare so I thought "why not?")

| However, can it effectively run Apache? I'd only be
| dealing with about 100 hits per day (most of those internal)

That's nothing.  I've heard stories that apache on a 486-class machine
can handle thousands of hits per day serving static files.

| but there's a lot of Perl scripts that get run regularly. Can the
| machine handle that acceptably? (i.e. without showing too much
| slowdown in regular use)

Are these perl scripts cron jobs or something or are they CGI scripts?
If you're doing complex dynamic building of web pages then more
details are needed.  For example, zope would not run terribly well on
that 133, I don't think (especially if you had an RDBMS to query on it
| (It won't be running any GUI apps whatsoever, so the only things running
| will be the various daemons and an instance of emacs.)

Sounds good to me.

I've got a 486SX (25MHz) with 8MB RAM at my parents' home handling
NAT.  It sometimes runs dhcpd and I tried making it my secondary MX
(exim).  dhcpd runs fine, when it runs.  The main problem I've had is
the load getting too high (thrashes like mad) and the kernel starts
killing things.  That happened when I first set it live with exim
because I didn't configure it right (no load limiting options set) and
mail servers around the world tried to offload a 4-day queue
undelivered mail (eg debian-user and several other lists) because my
primary was offline.  Then the little machine tried to fork a delivery
process for each message, but my primary was offline.  That
half-killed the machine.  I couldn't do a thing since sshd and every
other daemon was killed by the kernel in an effort to stay alive.
(Hint: plan better than I did)  I've also tried running samba on it.
It can't be done from xinetd because windows times out before it
finishes loading samba from disk (and thrashing all through the
process).  I don't know how bind would fare because I didn't know
anything about setting it up when I setup that router.

In fact, I know of one debian user in particular who runs spamassassin
on a pentium class machine with 24MB RAM.  Of course, it does shoot
the system load sky-high when he tries to fetch 1K+ messages at once
and takes about a half-hour to process them all, but that is extreme



Like a gold ring in a pig's snout
is a beautiful woman who shows no discretion.
        Proverbs 11:22

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