> Windows really wants to be the master, I think; in fact, it wants to be on 
> the 
> primary master.  My configuration is that the linux drive is the primary 
> master and the windows drive is the secondary master, but LILO remaps the 
> drives when booting windows to make the windows drive the primary on the fly. 
> Here's the relevant section of my /etc/lilo.conf:
> [snip]
> other=/dev/hdc1
>       label="Windows"
>       loader = /boot/chain.b
>          map-drive = 0x80
>          to = 0x81
>          map-drive = 0x81
>          to = 0x80
>       table = /dev/hdc
> [snip]

Yes, Windows wants to be the 1st drive all of the time. But that
doesn't mean you have to give into it :)

The easiest way I found (if you do not want Windows on the 1st drive)
is to install linux on the primary 1st, then disconnect the drive.
Move the 2nd disk to the primary, and install windows on it. Move it
back to the 2ndary, put back the linux drive and adjust your

This way, if you ever bonk your linux drive for any reason, you can
still move the Win partition back to primary and let it boot itself.

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