On Fri, 2002-06-28 at 19:30, David Richmond wrote:
> On Friday 28 June 2002 03:50 am, nick lidakis wrote:
> > I currently have 2 hard drives and was trying to set up a dual boot
> > system. The jumpers are propoerly set and the bios recognises them
> > the 40gb is the master with linux. The 16gb is the windows 98. I was
> > using the in a removable hard drive tray configuration but decided to
> > install them both as master and slave.
> [snip]
> Windows really wants to be the master, I think; in fact, it wants to be on 
> the 
> primary master.  My configuration is that the linux drive is the primary 

I think that's only relevant if you install 98 first. I dual boot 98 and
linux on my laptop, and 98 is on hda2 while linux is hda1. The 98
bootloader probably wouldn't like that, but since I'm using lilo, the 98
bootloader never comes into play. I don't know how it reacts to being on
a slave drive though as I've only got a single HD.


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