On Wed, Jul 06, 2005 at 10:42:59AM +0100, Clive Menzies wrote:
> On (06/07/05 11:00), Björn Johansson wrote:
> > Hello.
> > 
> > I had a unstable Debian 3.1 on my Powerbook "Lombard G3" then I upgraded to 
> > 3.1 stable
> > and now I only get a white screen at startup (after the boot questions of 
> > course).
> > 
> If you went from unstable(sid) to stable (sarge), you 'downgraded' which
> is not recommended for mere mortals ...... I fear you may be
> experiencing why.
> You could try booting off a live CD (knoppix, kanotix, debian from
> scratch) and see if you can repair what's broken; or at least you
> should be able to rescue some of your files prior to a reinstall.
> http://people.debian.org/~jgoerzen/dfs/html/dfs.html
> Regards
> Clive
Hi Bjorn,
this may be heresy, but the only bootable ppc cd I know is from Ubuntu.
you can order a free cd (or more) from the ubuntu web site (a weeks for
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