On Fri, Jul 08, 2005 at 07:31:01AM -0500, Jacob S wrote:
> the extras such as font size and color. This means my mail archive would
> be at least 4.2GB and easily more, instead of 1.4GB. Sorry, but that's
> not just a difference of a "few hundred extra megabytes". 

How many people do you think have 1.4-gig email
archives? Gmail's original 1-gig archive was supposed to be
enough for a lifetime.

Earlier in our lives, it was a big deal when hard-disk
prices fell below $1 per megabyte. I recently bought a
200-gig drive for $100. Assume the $1-per-meg limit
was hit 15 years ago (I think it was less than that, but it
was at most 15). So in 15 years the per-gig price of hard
disks dropped 2000-fold. If that rate holds, you'll be able
to get 400-terabyte drives in 2020 for $100. Even if the
estimate is off by a a factor of 100, that's still a
4TB drive for $100.

And you're really worried about disk space? Is that honestly
a big concern to you? I'm surprised, is all.

Stephen R. Laniel
+(617) 308-5571
PGP key: http://laniels.org/slaniel.key

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