On Sun, 2005-07-17 at 15:15 +0530, Deboo ^ wrote:

> Has anyone got an read the Debian Linux Bible? 

Yes. And the one I got a few months ago is way old (2.2). 

The new book by Martin Krafft -- "The Debian System" is exactly the one
I'd been looking for. It's an excellent discussion of sarge (3.1), and
it's full of useful information: theory, philosophy, HOWTO, and why. 

Downsides: there are typos; it's expensive (~$45); and (AFAIK) the only
way to get it is to order it from Europe -- 15 Euros and a couple weeks
shipping. Easily worth it all, though, to me. 
And the best thing about it is that when it's lying open by the
keyboard, the book doesn't try to close itself -- the pages lie flat.

Glenn English

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