Ok, this is my first foray into debian-user and this behaviour doesn't
impress me. I'm not a newbie, I've been using debian for the past 6
years after changing from redhat.

Did you actually bother to find anything out about MS Project? If it
is indeed in clear text then 'less' is a useful suggestion, but in my
experience MS files are usually binary. You should have suggested that
they export to a cleartext file if you don't agree with
cross-compatibility - which is actually how M$ behaves by changing
their file formats all the time and keeping them closed.

Just my 2 cents.


On 7/25/05, Anders Breindahl <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I am sorry, that you read it as me picking on newbies. That was not my
> intention; I merely (attempted unarrogantly) tried to state the not-always
> obvious.
> I am also sorry to announce, that I am one of those, who will be ``jumping
> down peoples' throats'' in the case of not keeping to the net-etiquette. It
> really makes it less satisfying to be a part of the community. I suppose I
> don't belong on -user with this standpoint; but as it seems like the only
> place in Debian I may be of service, I stick around, keeping my annoyance to
> myself (mostly, that is).
> In defence of my post, though:
> It is my experience, that the Windows-community uses cleartext files more
> often than one assumes. (Opposite to arbitrary binary formats).
> Often I have been able to extract the information I needed by treating the
> files as cleartext.
> I am also convinced, that no one would want to run a Windows-only IDE on a
> GNU/Linux machine -- and I therefore assumed that Rajiv only wanted to do the
> ``extracting information''-part, and therefore could cope with `less`.
> > Project is a beast that I am afraid to learn.  But I would be interested
> > to know if anyone has tried it in wine.
> Not that I have the ability to command such development forces -- but wouldn't
> creating a Microsoft-compatible program be a misallocation of Free Software
> development ressources?
> The trouble about .doc seems to prove that to me: The more we want a a
> FS-alternative to a Microsoft program, the harder they will make it to
> develop?
> Regards, Anders Breindahl.

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