On Tue, Aug 16, 2005 at 08:35:40PM +0200, Hans du Plooy wrote:
> Gnu-Raiz wrote:
> >Cpu nic usage is a little moot, with dual core chips,
> Well, I have seen the following.  Pentium-III 1ghz with 3com nic, maxing
> the CPU under heavy network (100mbit) load such as copying stuff over
> samba/nfs.  AthlonXP 2ghz (2400+) with marvel gigabit controller,
> copying files to another marvel gigabit chip (both on ASUS boards, the
> target machine being an Athlon64 3200+ 2.2ghz), also maxing the CPU on
> both ends, and getting only about 15MB/s.  SUSE running on the Athlon,
> Gentoo on the Athlon64.
> Yes, dual cores would help, but if you actually need your CPU to do some
> heavy lifting on your server, you want it not to be bothered with a
> network card (or multiple cards) offloading.

Were you using SCP or a clear protocol?  Remeber, that unless you have a
card to your encryption/decryption for you, then your CPU will have to
do it all.  I have a PIII 700 MHz that gets about 7 MB/s with scp for a
100% load, but the full 11 MB/s (filling 100 Mbit pipe) with clear ftp
at a barely noticeable load.


Roberto C. Sanchez

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