Hi Almut, hello list.

Almut Behrens schrieb:
Hi Andreas,

quick side note: please keep the thread on-list, so other people who
might google this up some time in the future will have a chance to see
if/how the problem was solved.
It's kinda frustrating when you google and only find others having the
same problem, but no solutions... don't you think so? :)
I didn't see anything personal in what you sent to me, so I assume it's
ok if I take it back on-list (I masked out the phone number).

Yes you are right. And because I don't realy want, that someone will have to solve this problem too, I will explain how I solved the problem. :-)
At this time I want to say thank Almut for your help. I got a tipp to solve this problem from the hylafax mailinglist. It was realy frustrating,
that I forgot something essential to install.

I'm using the WHCF (Windows Hylafaxclient) and this programm cannot send word or other documents directly. I forgot to install a windows printer driver,
that uses the WHCF printing port and is able to print ps documents. I choosed the "Apple LaserWriter 12/640 ps" printer, which is able to print ps documents.
The delivery of facsimiles is working without problems so far.

That was the solution of the whole problem. It's a pity that there where no hints in the log files, but now I can send and receive facsimiles and I'm very happy that I could solve the problem.
On Wed, Sep 07, 2005 at 11:01:14AM +0200, Andreas Moser wrote:
If I try to send a facsimile from the commandline, it seems to work 

Right, so we at least know this part works.  Next thing to check is
whether Hylafax-internal format conversions are performed properly.

Short background info:
c2faxsend (which is the replacement program from the capi4hylafax
package for the program faxsend that comes with Hylafax) accepts
various formats (specified with the -f option), e.g. TIFF -- which
apparently does work, as you just verified.  As default (i.e. without
option -f), it expects the HYLAFAX format. Essentially, this is TIFF
too, but some specific sub-variant (details irrelevant here).  It's
what Hylafax generates as output.  On the input side, Hylafax accepts
Postscript, PDF or TIFF.  It uses several tools (ps2fax, pdf2fax,
tiff2fax) to convert those formats to its (HYLA)FAX format.  Those
tools in turn rely on other external packages, e.g. ghostscript for
PS and PDF conversions.

See below for what you might want to check.

I used the following command:

alpha:/etc/hylafax# c2faxsend -v -C /etc/hylafax/config.faxCAPI -d 02244****** -f TIFF /home/andreas/testfax.tif
Try to connect to fax number 02244****** in TIFF mode on controller 1.
Dial and starting transfer of TIFF-File /home/andreas/testfax.tif with 
normal resolution.
Connection established.
       StationID = +49 2244 ******
       BaudRate  = 14400
       Flags     = HighRes, JPEG, MR_compr, MMR_compr
Page 1 was sended. - Last Page!
Fax file completely transfered to CAPI.
Connection dropped with Reason 0x3400 (No additional information).

In the capi4hylafax log I got the following messages:
Sep 07 12:31:57.70: [ 7142]: CapiFaxSend - INFO: Try to connect to fax number 02244****** in TIFF mode on controller 1.
Sep 07 12:31:57.70: [ 7142]: CapiFaxSend - INFO: Dial and starting transfer of TIFF-File /home/andreas/testfax.tif with normal resolution.
Sep 07 12:32:09.70: [ 7142]: CapiFaxSend - INFO: Connection established.
Sep 07 12:32:09.70: [ 7142]: CapiFaxSend - INFO:        StationID = +49 2244 ******
Sep 07 12:32:09.70: [ 7142]: CapiFaxSend - INFO:        BaudRate  = 14400
Sep 07 12:32:09.70: [ 7142]: CapiFaxSend - INFO:        Flags     = HighRes, JPEG, MR_compr, MMR_compr
Sep 07 12:32:34.33: [ 7142]: CapiFaxSend - INFO: Page 1 was sended. - Last Page!
Sep 07 12:32:34.33: [ 7142]: CapiFaxSend - INFO: Fax file completely transfered to CAPI.
Sep 07 12:32:50.32: [ 7142]: CapiFaxSend - INFO: Connection dropped with Reason 0x3400 (No additional information).

In the syslog I got the following messages:
Sep  7 12:32:03 alpha kernel: capilib_new_ncci: kcapi: appl 2 ncci 0x10101 up
Sep  7 12:32:50 alpha kernel: kcapi: appl 2 ncci 0x10101 down

But if I try to send the same fax with WHFC (Windows Hylafaxclient)
it does not work.

Just to be sure: with "the same fax" you mean the testfax.tif file
that you successfully sent via c2faxsend?  (I'm asking because of the
".ps" (-> Postscript?) part appearing in the tempfile names in the
tiff2fax conversion commandline below ("doc9.ps.9").  However, I'm not
familiar with Hylafax's tempfile naming conventions, and I currently
don't have an installation to test -- IOW, the .ps might have nothing
to do with Postscript at all...)

Sep  7 12:22:30 alpha HylaFAX[7066]: Filesystem has SysV-style file creation semantics.
Sep  7 12:22:30 alpha FaxQueuer[6964]: FIFO RECV "Sclient/7066:9"
Sep  7 12:22:30 alpha FaxQueuer[6964]: SUBMIT JOB 9
Sep  7 12:22:30 alpha FaxQueuer[6964]: JOB 9 (suspended dest  pri 127 tts 0:00 killtime 3:00:00): CREATE
Sep  7 12:22:30 alpha FaxQueuer[6964]: Apply CanonicalNumber rules to "02244******"
Sep  7 12:22:30 alpha FaxQueuer[6964]: --> match rule "^0", result now "+492244******"
Sep  7 12:22:30 alpha FaxQueuer[6964]: --> return result "+492244******"
Sep  7 12:22:30 alpha FaxQueuer[6964]: JOB 9 (ready dest +492244****** pri 127 tts 0:00 killtime 3:00:00): READY
Sep  7 12:22:30 alpha FaxQueuer[6964]: FIFO SEND client/7066 msg "S*"
Sep  7 12:22:30 alpha FaxQueuer[6964]: JOB 9 (ready dest +492244****** pri 127 tts 0:00 killtime 3:00:00): PROCESS
Sep  7 12:22:30 alpha FaxQueuer[6964]: JOB 9 (active dest +492244****** pri 127 tts 0:00 killtime 3:00:00): ACTIVE
Sep  7 12:22:30 alpha FaxQueuer[6964]: JOB 9 (active dest +492244****** pri 127 tts 0:00 killtime 3:00:00): PREPARE START
Sep  7 12:22:30 alpha FaxQueuer[7067]: JOB 9 (active dest +492244****** pri 127 tts 0:00 killtime 3:00:00):
  CONVERT DOCUMENT: bin/tiff2fax -o docq/doc9.ps;01 -r 196 -w 1728 -l 297 -m 4294967295 -1 docq/doc9.ps.9
Sep  7 12:22:31 alpha FaxQueuer[6964]: JOB 9 (active dest +492244****** pri 127 tts 0:00 killtime 2:59:59): PREPARE DONE
Sep  7 12:22:31 alpha FaxQueuer[6964]: JOB 9 (active dest +492244****** pri 127 tts 0:00 killtime 2:59:59):
  CMD START /usr/local/bin/c2faxsend.wrap -m faxCAPI sendq/q9 (PID 7080)
Sep  7 12:22:31 alpha FaxQueuer[6964]: JOB 9 (active dest +492244****** pri 127 tts 0:00 killtime 2:59:59): CMD DONE: exit status 0
Sep  7 12:22:31 alpha FaxQueuer[6964]: JOB 9 (sleeping dest +492244****** pri 126 tts 0:00 killtime 2:59:59): SEND INCOMPLETE: requeue for 7:16;
Sep  7 12:22:31 alpha FaxQueuer[6964]: JOB 9 (sleeping dest +492244****** pri 126 tts 0:00 killtime 2:59:59): SLEEP FOR 7:16

Assuming you actually passed a TIFF file to Hylafax (from WHFC), you
could check manually, whether tiff2fax is producing decent output,
which is accepted/transferred by c2faxsend:

$ cd /var/spool/hylafax
$ bin/tiff2fax -o out.fax -r 196 -w 1728 -l 297 -1 testfax.tif

(presumably, tiff2fax needs to be run from cwd /var/spool/hylafax,
thus the cd)

Then try
$ c2faxsend -v -C /etc/hylafax/config.faxCAPI -d DestNumber out.fax

Similarly, you could check ps2fax/pdf2fax for PS/PDF input files.

If the conversion fails, next task would be to figure out why... :)
If the above command chain should work, though, the task would be to
find out why the conversion result doesn't seem to get passed on to
c2faxsend, when those steps are executed from within faxq(8).

So long,

I want to say thank you to everyone especially to Almut who tries to help me with this problem.

With kind regards,

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