On Thu, Sep 08, 2005 at 03:37:13AM -0500, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> With the recent move of X.org into testing, I installed it, upgraded
> KDE to 3.4 from unstable, and proceeded to try out the new stuff. 
> Shadows work great, but as soon as I turn on translucency, the
> computer locks up hard.  Well, I can move the mouse cursor, but that
> is absolutely it.  No keyboard input works at all--can't change VTs,
> can't restart X.  No mouse clicking works.  It took several hard
> resets before I figured out that translucency was the cause.
> Since these special effects in X.org are known to be somewhat unstable
> right now, should I file a bug on this, or just wait for a new
> release?  It obviously doesn't have this effect on everyone's system,
> or else no one would use translucency at all, so perhaps it's an issue
> with Debian's build of it?
> Anyway, should I file a bug or just wait?  :)

I've tried to get shadows working with xcompmgr and usually as soon as I
try to move a window or roll it up, the system locks hard as well. CPU
for X goes to 100%.

I don't need to reboot, but I do have to shell in remotely and restart

The problem is that I don't know where the problem lies: X.org or
xcompmgr or nvidia drivers. I did manage to get things to be stable on a
laptop with an S3 card, but without acceleration it's really too slow.



David Purton
For the eyes of the LORD range throughout the earth to
strengthen those whose hearts are fully committed to him.
                                 2 Chronicles 16:9a

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