I tried that and it seemed to work. When I ran
'grub-install /dev/hda5' it reported 'no errors' and
seemed to execute successfully. However, upon reboot,
I am back to XP bootup. Is there another step that I
need to include?

Steps so far:

1. Boot up with live CD (Knoppix)
2. Activate shell and go root
3. Mount /dev/hda5 as /mnt/hda5
4. chroot /mnt/hda5 /bin/bash
5. grub-install /dev/hda5

Thanks for any input.

Note: hda5 is actually a Mandrake partition. hdb2 and
other hdb(x) Linux is Debian. But I realize, to get
this to work, it will somehow involve grub-install

--- Alan Ianson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> On Sun September 25 2005 04:32 pm, Jeremy Merritt
> wrote:
> > I need help figuring out what is going on with my
> > Debian / GRUB bootloader. Because of some Windoze
> > issues, I had to re-install XP on my machine. It
> > discarded the grub loader and now you can only
> boot to
> > XP from hda1. I consulted with another Debian user
> who
> > said to simply run 'grub-install /dev/hda1' off of
> a
> > live CD. I tried that with hda, hda1, and hdb2
> (debian
> > partition) just to be sure, and it gave the same
> error
> > every time. Here is an example of the error it
> gave.
> That happened to me before too. I had to boot a live
> cd and chroot into the 
> partition that contains the /boot directory and then
> "grub-install /dev/hda".
> I think something along the lines of "chroot
> /dev/hda5 /bin/bash" will get you 
> where you need to be.
> -- 
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