Edward J. Shornock wrote:
> I beg to differ.  I, at least, am trying to avoid ending up living in a
> cardboard box or milking social services.

    And the corporations are trying to prevent from folding.  BTW, you do
realize that corporations are nothing more than individuals just like you.

> survive, but I do need the ability to earn _something_. Since these
> large corporations[1] wouldn't offer me the chance to work for them[2],
> it's now "DIY" with regards to earning an income to pay the mortgage,
> and I'm now a competitor.  Screw them.

    And tell me exactly why it is their obligation to offer you, personally,

> I'm bitching because their collective greed is making it hard
> for anyone to be able to find work in order to simply _get by_.

    Their collective greed?  For doing the exact same thing you and I and
others do several times a day?  Don't believe me.

    Oh, your gas light is on.  2 gas stations, one selling gas at 2.25 a
gallon, the other 2.20 a gallon.  Chances are you would be like many other
people and hit the 2.20 pump to save a whopping $.80 on the transaction (based
on an average 15 gallon tank).  But don't you know your *GREED* is making it
hard for the owner of that station to "get by".

> I was out of the running even though I wasn't applying for positions
> that had anything to do with computers.  Just because of the schooling,
> knowledge, and previous pay that I had attained, I was overlooked for
> the chance of ANY positions for ANY pay, including jobs that were at
> minimum wage.  I just wanted *something* since *anything* would be
> better than $0.

    And that is somehow greed on their part?  This started out as "my job was
exported" and now turned into a rant against the "overqualified" fallacy which
I agree with and isn't motivated by greed.

> While there are some that probably go through trying to "make as much as
> possible," that surely doesn't apply to everyone.  It's the plain greed
> that pisses me off with the corporations, as well as the politicians.
> How many yachts or mansions does one person need?

    Envious much?  It isn't a matter of need.  How many toys the other guy has
versus how much you think they need is irrelevant.  I mean, hey, how much
ELECTRICITY does one man need when there are people in other countries that
don't have it.  If they obtained the toys legally who gives a rats butt how
much they have?  That's not your concern and is, quite frankly, part of the

         Steve C. Lamb         | I'm your priest, I'm your shrink, I'm your
       PGP Key: 8B6E99C5       | main connection to the switchboard of souls.

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