On Fri, 2005-11-18 at 10:05 -0800, Alex Malinovich wrote:
> On Wed, 2005-11-16 at 06:02 -0800, Steve Lamb wrote:
> > C Shore wrote:
> > > On Tue, Nov 15, 2005 at 06:49:03PM -0800, Steve Lamb wrote:
> > >>    And the corporations are trying to prevent from folding.  BTW, you do
> > >>realize that corporations are nothing more than individuals just like you.
> > 
> > > That's a load of crap perpetuated by lawyers.  A coporation is not 
> > > person in any reasonable definition of the word.
> > 
> >     That's not what I said.  I said that corporations are nothing more than
> > individuals just like you.  Note the plural.  What makes up a corporation.
> > Uhm, individual human beings.  When people say "Corporations do this" and
> > "Corporations do that" they are demonizing an entity which is, at the very
> > core, made up of and run by people just like them.  To question why certain
> > decisions are made by "corporations" while ignoring that people make the 
> > same
> > decisions, is to show a monumental amount of ignorance.
> To assume that what a group decides is equivalent to the decisions that
> would be made by any rational, individual member of said group, is to
> show a monumental amount of ignorance. (If I may borrow a phrase from
> Steve here.)
> Groupthink[1] is a very powerful force in human behavior. Many extremely
> bad decisions have been made through the years because of it and its
> sister stupidities: herd behavior[2], mob mentality[3], conformism[4],
> et al[5]. And many of those bad decisions have been brought to light
> only because of the willingness of rational INDIVIDUALS to identify
> those decisions as stupid and speak out or act out against them.

Did Steve ever mention "rational"?  I don't think so.

Steve's point is that it's still *people* doing the deeds.  When 
you walk into an office building, you aren't *forcefully* assimil-
ted into the Borg collective.

It's *individuals* *choosing* to go along with Groupthing, conform-
ism, etc.

Ron Johnson, Jr.
Jefferson, LA USA
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