On Friday 21 April 2006 14:03, Steve Lamb wrote:

>   Roberto C. Sanchez wrote:
> > What if the not-so-open alternative is not redistributable without some
> > sort of licensing agreement.  Then the Debian project can strike an
> > agrement with the developers, but then you would not be allowed to make
> > copies and give them to your friends.
>     I'd be fine with that if it were like Mandrakes "community" and
> "professional".  Share one, use the other.
>     Look, comes down to this.  I'm tired of wrangling with my machine to do
> anything on both sides of the fence.  Windows is pissing me off daily and
> this constant fighting for the basic stuff now on the Linux side is pissing
> me off just as much.

Instead of ranting at how Debian sucks for taking the moral high ground, why 
not rag on developers that take the moral low ground with inferior and 
proprietary licensing?  Why should Debian play nicely with developers that 
won't play nice themselves?  Why should Debian accomodate them?  Debian's not 
the one who sucks here...

Paul Johnson
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