On Thursday 27 April 2006 09:05 pm, Mike McCarty wrote:
> You seem very angry that someone doesn't like GPL. If you want
> to make your software free, then do so. But don't hamper the
> freedom of those to whom you give it. And don't live under
> the illusion that GPL'd software is free.

Mike, surely you'd like to re-phrase the above quote. It implies you are 
asking the providers of an OS to provide you their product -- for which they 
ask no monetary compensation -- to also give you free reign to modify and 
redistribute their work for your own profit.  

From the previous discussion I'm guessing you are a libertarian who leans to 
the right.  If that's true, then you surely believe in the right of any group 
distribute their product under their own terms.  Why should anyone labor long 
and hard without material compensation merely to help someone else turn a 
monetary profit?


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