On Sunday 30 April 2006 04:38, Mumia W wrote:
> Fair is fair. I don't blame Bush for the dot-com bust. I blame him for
> allowing his friends at Enron to bankrupt all California power utilties
> and eventually the state of California.

This didn't bankrupt Californians, it bankrupted Oregonians.  California 
refused to pay for the electricity so it whined to the Bush administration to 
steal electricity from us without payment.  We saw your electric rates triple 
because of that move, and until I get my money back from that, I personally 
hope California gets nuked like Japan.

Paul Johnson
Email and IM (XMPP & Google Talk): [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Jabber: Because it's time to move forward  http://ursine.ca/Ursine:Jabber

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