> I'm running Debian Sid. This morning, I saw that quite a few X/Xorg
> packages were available to be upgraded. So, I went ahead and did the
> upgrades.
> I use kdm as my login display manager. After the upgrade, X started fine.
> However, when any user would try to login, the screen would go black
> momentarily and then return to the kdm login screen. No user could login.
> After checking the .xsession-errors file for each user, the following error
> was seen in all:
> /etc/kde3/kdm/Xsession: line46: /etc/X11/Xsession: No such file or
> directory
> I checked the /etc/X11 directory and corrected the problem by creating a
> symbolic link as follows:
> ln -s Xsession.xfree86 Xsession
> After this, users were able to logon as usual.

Same problem here and thanks a million for the fix which I didn't suss out.
losing several hours of faffling around instead.

Just my 2 cents but I am getting a little desperate at the number of bog ups
in Unstable at the moment. I don't want to leave the platform but if things
continue like this I will have to. Like many folks perhaps, I am completely
baffled by Debian's reluctance to get together a desktop iternation that is
more up to date than Stable. It doesn't have to be rock solid, but there must
be a better way than this.

I don't think we should blame all Debian developers. The only real problems I've had with sid were related to x-server; all other parts of Debian are rock solid. Maybe the x-server Debian maintainers are new/unexperienced in that task?

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