Eftaxiopoulos Dimitrios wrote:
> I have tried to spell check several Latex files written in greek. I use kile. 
> It generally finds the mistakes but it highlights an irrelevant portion of 
> text, usually portions from two words, close to the wrong word. It highlights 
> at the same line, a few words before the wrong one. The replacements it 
> suggests are generally correct, but I cannot use them since other portions of 
> text will be replaced. So I do the corrections manually, by looking in the 
> area of the highlight, trying to find the misspelled word and correct it by 
> moving the cursor there. Not comfortable.
> The texts I spellcheck are written in ISO-8859-7 encoding. I use sarge, 
> stable, 2.6.8.

If I recall correctly, aspell has a "tex/latex" mode which will cause it
to ignore the markup.  Would that help your problem?


Roberto C. Sanchez

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