On Tue, May 23, 2006 at 10:40:11AM +0200, Bruno Boettcher wrote:
> Hello!
> since i passed onto a amd64 machine i noticed that the basic charset
> used is utf8
> but mutt displays that in hex codes, with a \ prepended...
> reading french and german mails in the great majority, this isn't very
> practical...
> is there a solution to this?

They're probably emails from broken MUAs that don't set the charset e-mail
headers properly. Now that you are using utf-8 mutt's default "I don't know
what charset this email is actually written in" charset is also utf-8. If
you are mostly reading French and German emails then these broken MUAs are
probably actually sending in iso-8859-1.

Try adding these two lines to your ~/.muttrc file to tell mutt to assume
iso-8859-1 for broken emails:

set strict_mime=no
set assumed_charset="iso-8859-1:utf-8:us-ascii"

CJ van den Berg


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