On Sun, Jun 25, 2006 at 10:48:28AM -0500, Ron Johnson wrote:
> When US keyboards have the Euro symbol on it, then it will have
> happened.

Well, I don't think that is or should be a requirement...  I mean, why
limit that idea to just the Euro symbol?  Why not include the Yen, or
the Korean Won, the British pound (they're still using their own
money, aren't they?), not to mention the thousands of other symbols
used by other cultures...

> P.S. - How do you enter a Euro symbol from a US kbd into Tbird?

Copy-paste from a web page or other source which has it?  I keep a
file in my home directory with a few common symbols that are hard or
impossible to type with a US keyboard:

℉ ℃ € ¥ £ ¤ × ÷ © ® ° ± ² ³ · ₤ ₩ ∞ £ ¥ ₩

> P.P.S. - How do you do the same from the console?

No idea...

Derek D. Martin
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