On 7/14/06, Albert Dengg <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
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On Fri, Jul 14, 2006 at 10:04:12AM -0500, Jaime Ochoa Malag?n wrote:
> Hi,
> I really hate my PowerColor ATI chipset video card because is not
> compatible with the driver of ATI, this card just Hang every time I
> try to install it.
> I want to buy a nvidia card, the problem is I don't know if nvidia is
> only the chipset or nvidia make their own video cards?
> I haven't a wide offer of products anyway...
> This card is being offered, and I want to know if any of you could
> recomend it to me, I pretend istall this with the nvidia drivers
> because I really have been looking for a card with wide video
> capabilities under Linux to enjoy it.
> http://usa.asus.com/products4.aspx?l1=2&l2=7&l3=0&model=992&modelmenu=1

while i havn't tried the nvidia drivers lately, basically nvidia just
makes gpus and has others build the graphic cards.

That's confirm my guess. Thanks.

that said i must tell you that the nvidia drivers aren't without
problems either to my expirience...and actully the fglrx drivers do work
for me  at the moment...

I know that, but my experience with ATI is too poor, and in amd64 list
the most promising card seems to be nvidia.


- --
Albert Dengg <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Version: GnuPG v1.4.3 (GNU/Linux)


Engañarse por amor es el engaño más terrible;
es una pérdida eterna para la que no hay compensación
ni en el tiempo ni en la eternidad.


                                                        Jaime Ochoa Malagón
                                                        Integrated Technology
                                                        Tel: (55) 52 54 26 10

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