On Sun, Jul 23, 2006 at 18:36:49 +0200, Torquil Macdonald Sørensen wrote:
> > With KDE it is of course possible to fine-tune the font settings in a nice
> > menu which uses the proper technical terms.  Just go to "Control Center >
> > Appearance & Themes > Fonts" and select "Use anti-aliasing for fonts". You
> > can use the "Configure..." button to set the hinting style, etc. Your
> > ~/.fonts.conf will be rewritten accordingly as soon as you press "Apply" or
> > "OK". You have to log out and log in again for the setting to take effect,
> > though (if I remember correctly). I never had to use the
> > gnome-control-center after that, and the text rendering in all my GTK2
> > applications is fine.
> Yes, you are right. The KDE control center does indeed modify .fonts.conf. So 
> I have activated the anti-aliasing from there instead. But the GTK bug is 
> around until I start gnome-control-center (or gnome-settings-daemon). I can 
> see that after logging in to KDE, my GTK apps are not anti-aliased until I 
> run one of those commands, even though .fonts.conf says that they should be. 
> This is independent of $GDK_USE_XFT=0/1. But after I run 
> gnome-settings-daemon or gnome-control-center, fonts in GTK apps become 
> anti-aliased and smaller, and the bug disappears. In addition KDE fonts also 
> become smaller. All this while not changing .fonts.conf at all...

I also had this problem of the gnome-control-center screwing with the
font sizes; that is one of the reasons why I never open it anymore.

So, what is the difference between your setup and mine? Maybe it is a
setting in ~/.gtkrc-2.0. Here is what I have (I had gtk2-engines-gtk-qt
installed at one point):

# This file was written by KDE
# You can edit it in the KDE control center, under "GTK Styles and Fonts"

include "/usr/share/themes/Qt/gtk-2.0/gtkrc"

style "user-font"
        font_name="Bitstream Vera Sans 11"
widget_class "*" style "user-font"

gtk-font-name="Bitstream Vera Sans 11"
# ~/.gtkrc-2.0 ends above this line

Maybe it is something in the general X setup. Do you run a font server?
I use xfs and have it listed as the first FontPath in my xorg.conf.


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