> > Now deleting 1000 messages, which may or may not contain important
> > or confidential data, is to me a less than optimal way to write a
> > new message. So I would like to know what is the magic key I need
> > to press to compose a *really* new message (i.e. to bypass or get
> > rid of the postponed message menu)?
> Go to /home/you/.muttrc and check for this config option:
> set postpone = ask-yes
> If it is not there, then insert it.  If it is there, then change it
> to ask-yes.


that should be the "recall" option, not "postpone". The latter is for
postponing more messages, the former for recalling them.

> Now next time you compose (m) an email it will ask you if you want
> to recall the postponed messages or just go directly to the new
> message.

Or you might even set it to "no", which disables recalling postponed
messages from the 'm' (compose) function altogether. To manually
recall one, there's still the 'R' command.



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