On Sun, Aug 06, 2006 at 01:44:51PM -0700, Shane wrote:
> Hello all,
> I've installed the etch amd64 distribution before but now I
> have an install i386 machine which is getting its board/cpu
> changed out for an em64t unit.  I'd like to migrate to
> amd64 on this machine if possible but is reinstalling the
> distribution my only option?  It's a devel box so has all
> sorts of configured packages I don't wanna redo.  Is there
> a migration path available which say installs the 64 bit
> libraries and reinstalls the 32 bit packages?
> Cheers,
Hi Shane,
are you looking to improve the speed or something else?
I think you can change the kernel which does a fair amount of processing
by 'apt-get install'ing a 64 bit kernel. Maybe benchmark with 32 and 64
bit to see the difference.
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