On Monday 21 August 2006 17:29, Steve Lamb wrote:
> Paul Johnson wrote:
> > Depends on where you gas up, too.  If you shop by price alone and only
> > take thoroughfares, yeah, you're gonna hit long lines, right tank or not.
> >  But if you go to well-staffed high-volume stations like truck stops or
> > stations off the beaten path like taxi stands,
>     So what you're saying is that if you want to avoid lines in Oregon you
> need to stay out of major cities, stay off the major thoroughfares and go
> out of your way to get gas?

Only if you want to get it at evening rush and have a lefthand tank.  If you 
plan ahead and go in the morning or at lunch, usually there's a pump 
available at almost any station without a line no matter what side your 
filler neck faces.  My point was right-hand and rear-facing filler necks 
usually don't have to wait more than a car or two if at all even at rush.

Paul Johnson
Email and IM (XMPP & Google Talk): [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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