Paul Johnson wrote:
> Only if you want to get it at evening rush and have a lefthand tank.  If you 
> plan ahead and go in the morning or at lunch, usually there's a pump 
> available at almost any station without a line no matter what side your 
> filler neck faces.  My point was right-hand and rear-facing filler necks 
> usually don't have to wait more than a car or two if at all even at rush.

    And my point was that contrary to your personal belief that there are
lines elsewhere, that has not been my experience with left or right fill cars
or my motorcycle.  So there's one "advantage" bunked.  I'm willing to bet if
we keep this up we'll get them all.

         Steve C. Lamb         | But who decides what they dream?
       PGP Key: 8B6E99C5       |   And dream I do...

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