s. keeling wrote:
> Mine uses exim and fetchmail all the time.

    Which doesn't count if exim's on another box.

> Filtering does not belong in the client.  mutt's an MUA.  It calls
> filtering programs to do filtering, as it should.

    Filtering belongs in the client if one is receiving mail via POP, which is
a part of the client.

>>      You don't.  I do.  I rather like being able to read mail on my Debian
>>  laptop, my WinXP Game machine or any machine with a web-capable browser and
>>  get all of my mail all of the time.

> So?  I rather like not having my mail held hostage to others'
> ineptitude.  Once it's on my box, it's safe from others' configuration
> hiccups.

    Which is why I use IMAP...  ON MY BOX.  Gee, I don't lease a box out on
the net to host my mail/ftp/web for nothing.  I host it so I can control
everything which includes being able to use any of my machines or any web
machine to access my mail.

> I have three signature files, fetchmail pops from any number of
> servers I tell it to, [shudder] procmail knows by reading Received:
> lines where the mail came from.  Some recipes act on some IPs and some
> act on other IPs.  [shudder] procmail sorts it all into the proper
> incoming folders, possibly auto-forwards crap to spamcop (among other
> options), mutt saves replies to the proper storage folders, ...

    Yup, and as I explained while it took you several dozen of configuration
lines and several programs to do basic tasks I have one program and 2-3
configuration options.

    While everyone spooges over the fact that separating out every little task
is "the unix way" they forget the equal, if not greater, unix philosophy.
Make simple things easy, make hard things possible.  These are simple things,
mutt + procmail + exim + fetcmail does not equal "easy".  Flexible, maybe.
Powerful, not really.  But easy?  hardly.

         Steve C. Lamb         | But who decides what they dream?
       PGP Key: 8B6E99C5       |   And dream I do...

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