On Thu, Oct 05, 2006 at 11:34:06AM -0400, Matt Price wrote:
> Hi,
> I occasionally need to use the native acceleration of the nonfree nvidia
> x driver, but my laptop will neither suspend nor hibernate when they're
> loaded.  I'd like to set up a situation where I can log in to my main x
> session most of the time, but optionally log in to an x server running
> with a different xorg.conf.  Is it possible to do something like this at
> the gdm prompt?  If not, what might be the best way to do this?
> Thanks,
Hi matt,
when you install gdm, it does these things:
starts X window
runs GDM
select session
start window-manager

in that order. So you can not change X configurations while in GDM. One
way to do it is: stop gdm (and thus stop X windows), alter your x config,
then restart gdm.
Another way is: start GDM, go to the console, alter your x config, go
back to gdm, control-backspace (which restarts X windows and gdm)
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