* Mumia W.. ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:
> Install the Debian Reference (debian-reference-en) and read ยงยง 2.4.2 and 
> 2.4.3 and 8.1.4 from /usr/share/doc/Debian/reference/reference.en.txt.gz .
I am hoping to sit down this weekend and read through the reference.
It looks to be a rather complete coverage of things Debian, and I am
quite hopeful it will iron out much I don't know.  I have been
wondering about specifics for maintenance, such as updates and so on,
and I figure that will be well covered in this and other texts.  I
like the apparent complete approach to documentation in Debian, though
so far things have been a little fragmented it seems.  I am confident
given time everything I need to know will be covered.
> You can create a new script such as /etc/init.d/local.sh and put all of 
> your initialization commands in it. Then you would use update-rc.d to 
> tell Debian what runlevels to start and stop that script's daemons and 
> settings, e.g.

I found /etc/rc.local and it seems to be for the purpose I was
looking.  Surprising to see it there, as I thought all the init
scripts were in /etc/rc... or /etc/init.d.

> # # That was a Control-D. We're now out of "cat."
> # update-rc.d local.sh start 2 3 4 5 . stop 0 1 6 .
> Read "man update-rc.d"

Very helpful little tool.  Though I am still wondering why Debian has 
runlevels 2-5 with no apparent difference between them.  I have to
quit assuming that one is for console logins.

Many thanks again for all this help.


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