On Fri, Oct 13, 2006 at 10:57:25AM -0500, cothrige wrote:
> I don't particularly like gdm and so I made the script in init.d
> nonexecutable.  I feel, though, this was likely the wrong way.  What
> is the right way to do it?  The whole Debian bootscript system is
> somewhat intimidating to a Slackware user, and so I am hesitant to go
> in there willy-nilly.

Hi Patrick,
there is a value stored in /etc/X11/default-display-manager. 
sarge:/home/kevin# more /etc/X11/default-display-manager 
in this case, I use 'entranced' aka the enlightenment DM.
IIRC, if you edit this file and make it 'empty', it will not launch a
display mananger.
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