Andrew Sackville-West wrote:
Russell L. Harris wrote:

In "~/.bashrc" I put the line:

    export EDITOR=/usr/bin/xemacs

Now mutt starts xemacs after I enter a subject for the message, but when
I save the message and exit xemacs, mutt treats the text of the message
as an attachment, rather than as an integral part of the e-mail.

According to The Linux Mail User HOWTO, section 2.1, "Setting your mail
editor", I need to set EDITOR to the value "gnuclient" and put the
following two lines into "~/.xemacs/init.el":

    (autoload 'server-edit "server" nil t)

But that doesn't seem to work.  I am confused.


I haven't followed your thread at all but maybe this will help

set editor="/usr/bin/emacs -nw -l .emacs.mutt"

from my .muttrc note the following:

-nw specifies a cli version of emacs as opposed to a windowed version.

-l .emacs.mutt loads my emacs configuration for use with mutt, but I
leave that for you to figure out.



Thanks, Andrew.
I have been puzzled about the "-nw"; and the "-l" is good to know.

I still am struggling with the transition from gnus to mutt. Both previously and now, I am using maildir instead of mbox. And now I am trying to use maildrop to replace the sorting which I was doing with gnus.

At this point, I am receiving mail, but no mail is being sent.
The package chain is as follows:

INCOMING MAIL: pop3 server @ my ISP --> getmail4 --> maildrop --> [maildir] --> mutt

OUTGOING MAIL:  smtp server @ my ISP  <--  exim4  <--  mutt

The system is a fresh install of Debian Etch.


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