On Sat, Nov 04, 2006 at 11:28:54AM -0600, Ron Johnson wrote:
> My eyes see lots of ProLiants running Win Server 2K3, and only some
> running Linux, HP-UX and a few running z/OS & OpenVMS.
Really?  My eyes see about 12 racks of proliants and Suns, all running
Linux (except for one SunFire running Solaris 8, I think and one Tru64
box).  In fact, out of about a total of 200 workstations and servers,
there are only about half a dozen WinXP workstations.

> The fact that MSFT's *income* in *always* increasing is prima facia
> evidence that MSFT is winning, and has been really winning for 6
> years (since Server 2K was released).
No, The fact that MSFT's income is increasing is evidence that 1) they
keep raising prices and 2) they have been successful in developing a
nearly unbreakable customer lock in.



Roberto C. Sanchez

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